Four Pillars

​​The Carmel College culture and community are built upon the strength of our 'Four Pillars'. It is our students' embodiment of these values that provides them with the skills and qualities to become productive, thoughtful, and well-rounded members of both the school and wider community. The 'Four Pillars' also form the foundation of the College's expectations for behaviour.

Members of the Carmel College community should demonstrate:


  • For self
  • For other students
  • For teachers
  • For the environment
  • For learning

  • The ability to deal positively with setbacks
  • Remaining buoyant and cheerful during hard times or struggles
  • The ability to 'bounce back' after a setback

  • Working hard at the task at hand
  • Taking pride in one's work
  • Choosing to work
  • Completing tasks to the best of one's ability

​Positive relationships

  • With fellow students
  • With teachers and support staff
  • Through actions and words