ADP Athletic Development Program

​The Athletic Development Program (ADP) commenced in 2017 and assists talented young sportspeople at the College to balance their sporting goals and academic studies. 

Carmel College recognises the demands placed on young, talented athletes. The ADP is our response to ensuring students can develop their sporting talents, as well as succeed in their academic studies. The program, open to students in Years 8​ to 12, will provide sport specific curriculum, both practical and theoretical, as well as a range of wellbeing support services and extra-curricular activities.

To assist and empower students to balance their sporting goals and academic studies in a supportive educational environment.

The aim is that after their ADP education, Carmel College ADP students are capable and proficient to operate in a high performance training environment, with an excellent understanding of how to take care of themselves physically, mentally and spiritually, and if they wish to pursue an athletic career, they will have a solid foundation of physical, mental and emotional strength.


Built on the foundation of the Four Pillars of Respect, Resilience, Diligence and Positive Relationships, the ADP invites students to also take on the 'Three Pillars of Performance':

  • Pride
    Together we value each other by sharing our successes and setbacks.
    We support and motivate each other by displaying pride of our school, our team members, our presentation and uniform and our performance in the classroom and within our chosen sport. 

  • Professionalism
    In everything we do; we do this by setting high standards of behaviour, effort, attitude and performance. Our thoughts become words, our words become actions, our actions become habits and our habits define our character.

  • Progression
    Work hard to get good, but then work harder to get better.

We strive for individual improvement and progression centred in a strong team-based, hard-working and encouraging learning environment.

 In 2018, the Athletic Development Program (ADP) expanded to assist over 50 talented athletes at Carmel to balance their sporting goals and academic studies. In only its second year, the program took significant steps in increasing its capacity to provide wellbeing and mentoring support by engaging additional athlete mentors, introducing regular senior mentoring meetings and offering two junior curriculum classes in Year 9 and Year 10. 

The program has supported student athletes from a variety of sporting backgrounds including AFL, Athletics, Baseball, Basketball, BMX, Cricket, Football, Gymnastics, Hockey, Martial Arts, Netball, Rugby League, Rugby Union, Skipping, Softball, Surfing, Swimming, Tennis, Triathlon and X-Country.

Unlike many sporting excellence programs, Carmel College's Athletic Development Program does not solely focus on the technical aspects of a specific sport. Instead, the program provides specific curriculum to holistically enhance athletes physically, mentally, socially and emotionally.

Athlete benefits that your son / daughter receives include:

  • ​Opportunities to hone and develop basic motor skill patterns, before learning how to train for improvements in competition and performance
  • Opportunities to learn how to engage with physical activities to improve their fundamental movement patterns and theoretical studies

  • Access to personalised strength and conditioning programs

  • Access to personal development programs with links to guest speakers and coaches

  • Access to Athlete Support Systems including counselling, flexible academic timetables, negotiated work deadlines, e-learning support when absent, after school mentoring and tutoring as needed, career planning advice and time management development

  • Access to qualified physiotherapists, nutritionists, sports psychologists and elite athlete mentors throughout the course

The opportunity to be part of a supportive network and culture of peers with similar lifestyle, aspirations and interests

Partn​erships with state sporting bodies and local community organisations strengthen our position as a College catering for the academic and sporting needs of both local and selective sporting students. Students are provided with opportunities to access local Physiotherapists, Dietitians and Sports Psychologists that support the program.
Students that wish to apply for the program must satisfy specific sporting, academic, attitude and behavioural criteria. Participating students are reviewed every six months, based on performance against the criteria, to determine whether they remain in the Athletic Development Program for the following semester.​