College Ethos
Camel College community is committed to challenging all to live out the gospel of Jesus Christ. Within the teaching of the Catholic and broader Christian tradition, students participate critically and authentically in fullness of personal faith and life through compassion and service within the wider society. The College recognises and fosters students' abilities by building a community which is caring and supportive of their needs, as well as encouraging their personal growth in embracing the four College Pillars: Positive relationships, Respect, Resilience and Diligence, and the four College core values: Faith (belief in Christ and our Catholic Traditions); Hope (justice, integrity, trust, honesty); Love (care, respect, responsibility, forgiveness) and Learning (determination, enthusiasm, creativity). Students are encouraged to 'Let Your Light Shine'- the College motto.
In 2020 Carmel College embraced a dual charism, namely, Carmelite and Marist. Both charisms are complimentary as well as strengthening the teachings of the centrality of Catholic identity, this being the 'Jesus story'. Evolving over this time the College has integrated numerous initiatives both in the religious life of the College and the curriculum to enhance the profound recognition and centrality of practice and well-being that each charism brings into this inclusive, sacramental community created by God. Both charisms imbue the College's four core values.

Carmelite Spirituality
The charism of the Carmelite Order is God's gift given originally to those nameless hermits who gathered together on Mount Carmel, beside the well of Elijah, at the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th centuries. The Carmelite Order has no known founder but sprang from the desire of those first hermits to follow Christ together with a pure heart and a good conscience. They asked the Patriarch of Jerusalem, St Albert, to write for them a rule of life (c.1206-1214) which laid down certain guidelines based on the previous way of life of the hermits. The order is considered by the Catholic Church to be under the special protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and thus has a strong Marian devotion to Our Lady of Mount Carmel John of the Cross (Doctor of the Church).
Three Elements: Prayer, Service and Community.
Key Church Figure: Saint Teresa of Ávila (Doctor of the Church).
© Brisbane Catholic Education Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands
Marist Spirituality
Marist Spirituality is centred in the God of Jesus Christ, born into the circumstances of our world, enlivened by mission, and following in Mary's way.
Saint Marcellin Joseph Benedict Champagnat (20 May 1789–6 June 1840) was born in Le Rosey, village of Marlhes, near St. Etienne (Loire), France. He was the founder of the Marist Brothers, a religious congregation of brothers in the Catholic Church devoted to Mary and dedicated to education and was contemplative.
Five Pillars: God's Presence, Love of Work, In the Way of Mary, Family Spirit, Simplicity.
Key Church Figure: Saint Marcellin Champagnat.
© Brisbane Catholic Education Rout, G. (1997), Di Mauro J. (1997) Carmel College, Thornlands
Centrality of Mary
Central to both charisms, is Mary. Mary is the constant presence in our lives, guiding and protecting as we seek to follow Christ. Both charisms bring a Marial dimension to our teaching by prayer, imitating Mary's tenderness, strength and constancy of faith.
House Patrons
The dual charism, along with the Colleges' five House Patrons offer an enriched understanding of the importance each individual holds to our Catholic identity through their works within this recontextualised world. All five patrons speak of faith, hope, love and learning which is inclusive to our sacramental community and core values.
- Avila House - Saint Teresa of Avila
- Champagnat House - Saint Marcellin Champagnat
- MacKillop House - Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop
- Polding House - Archbishop John Bede Polding
- Romero House - Saint Oscar Romero
College Logo
Carmel College logo is an expression of our unique Catholic identity:
The ovals represent security of family and faith.
The cross represents Jesus, the focus of our faith.
The lighthouse also represents Jesus, our guiding light and the Cleveland landmark.
The stars represent the light that shines upon us.
The mountain represents Mt Carmel, our College's namesake “Let Your Light Shine"
Jesus' own words to us, as a constant reminder to be the best people we can be.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, Carmel College, Thornlands (2012)