Mission and Vision


Mission Statement​

​We commit ourselves to being a learning community within the Catholic tradition, where each of us grow to a personal fullness of faith and life.

How we aim to achieve this:

Create a community of faith which encourages and rejoices in the knowledge of our loving God.

Actively promote the Gospel Values which Christ lived and taught as examples for our lives.

Recognise and respond to the needs of individuals by building a caring College community which is positive and supportive of students, staff, families and the Catholic Church.

Motivate all to assist in the creation of a learning environment where each person may attain individual potential - spiritually, academically, culturally and physically.

Encourage the development of personal growth in self-confidence, integrity, respect and independence so that together we may welcome life's challenges by proclaiming:



Vision Statement

Within the Catholic Carmel College community, students are inspired with a love of learning, and a heart of hope, whereby they are empowered to shape and enrich our world. As a community of faith, the vision of Carmel College is that the motto of “Let Your Light Shine" may be a reality for all. 

Our core values are based on:

FAITH - Belief in Christ and our Catholic Traditions

HOPE - Justice, integrity, trust, honesty

LOVE - Care, respect, responsibility, forgiveness

LEARNING - Through determination, enthusiasm, creativity  ​
